Donation saves lives
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The cadets of the Faculty № 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs helped medical institutions by becoming blood donors. The students regularly donate blood to military personnel, civilians, and anyone in need. For many of them, this is not the first donation.

Culture of communication and conflict management
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Employees of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work held a meeting on the topic "Culture of Communication and Conflict Management in the Group" within the framework of the curatorial hour for the heads of groups of higher education applicants of the Faculties № 2 and № 3.

Improving the level of professional qualification
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Oleksii Salmanov, Acting Deputy Dean for Educational and Methodological Work of the Faculty No. 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took a training course on "Media Literacy: How to Avoid Manipulation?" The program was developed by the National Media Literacy Project "Filter" of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine with the support of the US Embassy in Ukraine.

Auditorium for national and patriotic education opened at the University
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The Vice-Rector of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Police Colonel Oleksandr Muzychuk, addressing the cadets who were directly involved in this project, said: "A brutal war is going on. The country is losing its best sons and daughters. An exposition dedicated to the fallen graduates of the university has been created in the classroom, and a book about them - our Heroes - will be presented in the near future."

Binary lesson in forensic science
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Vasyl Korniienko, Head of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Science and Pre-medical Training of the Faculty No. 1, conducted a binary lesson for 3rd year cadets of the Faculty No. 1 on the topic "Investigative examination". Mykyta Ahafonov, a forensic specialist at the Criminalistics Department of the Investigation Department of Luhansk Oblast National Police, joined the online class.

Activities of the branch of the Legal Clinic of KhNUIA in Vinnytsia
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The cadets of the Faculty No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, who are studying in the specialties "Law" and "Law Enforcement", continue to master their future profession by taking an active part in the activities of the Legal Clinic of KhNUIA in Vinnytsia.

University representatives continue to provide legal aid
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A regular consultation meeting was held for local councils and residents of territorial communities of Vinnytsia region on the topic "Access of local government employees to state databases". The event was held within the framework of cooperation between Vinnytsia branch of KhNUIA Legal Clinic and Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Governments and the Regional Center for Free Secondary Legal Aid in Vinnytsia Region.

Participation in the scientific and practical seminar
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Iryna Zhdanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, made a presentation "Restoration of Psychological Resources of the Personality" at the scientific and practical seminar with international participation "Psychology in Your Life", dedicated to the All-Ukrainian Day of Psychologist.

Combatant Yaromyr Slyvka successfully passes theoretical exam
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Yaromyr Slyvka, a student of the Driving School for People with Disabilities of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a combatant, passed the theoretical training and successfully passed the exam at the territorial service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2023, Yaromyr went to defend Ukraine from the Russian invasion. While performing a combat mission in Bilohorivka, Donetsk region, the soldier was seriously wounded.

KhNUIA cadets who served to protect the state border were awarded
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For their significant contribution to the protection of the state border, personal discipline, perseverance, initiative shown during the performance of tasks at the site 31 of the border detachment named after General-Corporal Oleksandr Pylkevych of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, cadets of the Faculties No. 1 and No. 4 of KhNUIA were awarded diplomas.