Trainings for journalists were completed
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The trainings for journalists at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, organized jointly with the Kharkiv Press Club, were completed. Addressing the participants of the training, the First Vice Rector of the university, Police Colonel Dmytro Shvets, noted that the quality of the work of the National Police determines the level of trust of citizens. No less important component of the work is the interaction with the media.

Meeting with the coordinator of the program in Kharkiv region Levitt Institute of International Development
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The Department of International Cooperation organized an informative meeting for applicants for higher education of KhNUIA with the coordinator of the program in Kharkiv region Levitt Institute of International Development Oksana Karpenko. The event was attended by cadets and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, staff of the Department of International Cooperation.

Journalists worked on practical skills on providing first-aid
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Practical part of the journalists training “Providing first-aid on standards of the international BLS program” was dedicated to acquiring skills of pre-medical care in case of sudden heart stop and life-threatening conditions.

Representatives of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity held career guidance meetings in Chuhuiv
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Professor Olha Hetmanets, the Head of the Department of Legal Support of Economic Activity of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, lecturers of the Department Maryna Romanenko and Oleksii Shumilo held career guidance meetings with Chuhuiv high school graduates.

A meeting of the working group on strengthening the capacity of government officials to counter cyber threats was held at KhNUIA
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A meeting of the interdepartmental working group on the development of a short-term training program for civil servants and local government officials in the field of cybersecurity was held on the basis of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Fire safety classes were held in the Sumy branch
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In order to raise awareness on fire prevention, as well as the beginning of the new academic year, the Head of the Department Vasyl Nazarenko, a Senior Police Lieutenant Serhii Paniotov and fire brigade of cadets of the Sumy branch of KhNUIA conducted fire safety and fire drills.

The second day of the training for journalists is dedicated to the issues of first aid
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The second day of the training for journalists on "Providing first aid according to the standards of the international program BLS (basic life support)" has started at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The training is conducted by the staff of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Expertise and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty № 1. 

Representatives of the university held a meeting with seniors of the state boarding school with enhanced military and physical training "Cadet Corps"
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Participants of the School of Scientific Leadership of the Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs  along with the head of the School of Scientific Leadership Vitalii Naida and associate professor of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty № 1 Kyryll Cherevko met with the graduate students of the state boarding school with enhanced military and physical training "Cadet Corps”.

Binary lesson on drug prevention
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Vasyl Korniienko and Tetiana Orlova, associate professors of the Department of Criminalistics, Forensic Expertise and Pre-Medical Training of the Faculty № 1, conducted a binary class along with Mariia Kozyrenko, Executive Director of Kharkiv City NGO "Fund for Saving Children and Adolescents of Ukraine from Drugs".

Career guidance meeting with students of Kharkiv Secondary School № 97
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Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement Activity of the Faculty № 6 Olha Moroz visited Kharkiv Secondary School I-III degrees № 97 to conduct career guidance work.