Binary lesson on the subject ''Aviation Security''
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Maryna Nozhnova, a teacher of the cycling commission of the aeronautics department of Kremenchug Flight College of KhNUIA, together with the head
of the training center Dmytro Ginosyan conducted a binary lesson on the subject ''Safety of aviation''.

Representatives of KhNUIA take part in the formation of a coalition under UN Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace, Security"
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In September 2021, Kharkiv region joined the project initiative of the Ukrainian Women's Fund on creation of regional coalitions 1325. The main purpose of the project is to promote the implementation of new local action plans 1325 "Women, Peace, Security" in Ukraine until 2025. During first two months of the project, trainings will be held with the involvement of foreign and Ukrainian experts.


Binary classes as an effective and motivational type of the discipline "Foreign language of professional orientation"
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Binary classes are actively used by teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 1. Lecturer of the Department Anna Babak and Senior Lecturer Natalia Krasnova invited to the classes an Investigator of PD № 2 of Kamianskyi MDNP in Dnipropetrovsk region Police Lieutenant Serhii Buriak, who shared with the cadets of the group 101 of the Faculty № 2 experience in applying practical and theoretical knowledge acquired at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

Post-match football penalties of KhNUIA teams during the sports event
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Teams of the Faculties of the University № 1–4, 6 and the Institute of Postgraduate Education took part in competitions dedicated to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine. We suggest you to remember the series of bright football penalties that happened during the games.

Sports competitions on the occasion of the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine in KhNUIA
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Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs hosted competitions between the teams of the faculties of the university and the Institute of Postgraduate Education on the occasion of the Day of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine. The cadets, students and audience of the university tested themselves in speed in the track-and-field relay race, demonstrated strength and team spirit in tug of war and playing football.

Participation in the webinar from the youth organization AIESEC
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Participant of the School of Scientific Leadership the 2nd year cadet of the Faculty № 1 of KhNUIA Krystyna Koval took part in a webinar from the international organization AIESEC, which main goal is to maintain peace and realization of human potential through the development of leadership skills in youth, relevant soft-skills and hard-skills.


Kremenchug Flight College prepares specialists for state and civil aviation (video)
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In order to promptly and adequately respond to the challenges and threats facing Ukrainian society, the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to create a single system of aviation security.

Employees of the National Police are taking advanced training courses
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28 students of advanced training courses under the program "Information and Analytical Support", 30 students of advanced training courses under the program "Cyberpolice" started training at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of KhNUIA.

Employees of the Sumy branch of KhNUIA passed the final check of the level of service readiness
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The Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a final inspection of the level of service training of personnel with special police ranks.

Cadets visited the university museum
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First-year cadets of Faculty No.2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs together with their curator, Assistant Professor of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines of Faculty No.2 Victoria Goncharova visited the museum of the university.