Meeting-presentation with a live broadcast from the Republic of Poland was held in KhNUIA

Online event “Polish training center – presentation of the Road Trafficking Department” with the participation of representatives of the Center for Police Training in Legionowo (the Republic of Poland) was held in Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The event was organized with the support of the EUAM Field Office in Kharkiv City.

The concept of Community Policing

The regular webinar on “The concept of Community Policing ” took place at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The webinar was held in English with the consecutive translation into Ukrainian. The event was attended by applicants of higher education, the scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of the University and its separate structural units - Sumy Branch and Kremenchuk Flight College.


Cadets of KhNUIA study best practices in approaching to domestic violence

The second-year cadets of Faculty № 4 together with the Head of the Foreign Languages Department of Faculty № 1 Olena Orlova took part in the webinar "Domestic Violence: Raising Awareness and Best Practices" organized by the University's International Cooperation Department with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine.

Participation of a representative of Kremenchug Flight College in the scientific online internship "Academic Integrity" held in Warsaw

Maryna Petchenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of the Research Department of Kremenchug Flight College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, completed an online scientific internship on "Academic Integrity" organized by the Polish-Ukrainian Foundation "Institute of International Academic and Scientific Cooperation" on the base of Higher Theological Seminary (UKSW) in Warsaw, Poland.

Cooperation with the higher educational institution of Poland

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs signed a Declaration on Cooperation with the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland), which opens new opportunities for  the university.

OSCE training "Psychological support (psychological rehabilitation) in extreme situations" was held at the University (video)

The training "Psychological support (psychological rehabilitation) in extreme situations" was held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. It was held within the framework of the pilot project of international technical assistance of the Coordinator of OSCE projects in Ukraine “Improvement of training capabilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on psychological support in extreme situations” and the implementation of the Action Plan for the Development Strategy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine until 2020.

Business contacts have been established with Spain

Representatives of the Kremenchuk Flight College of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Olexander Kozenko, a specialist in the research laboratory for aircraft
modernization, and Yevhen Dmytriev, a computer engineer at the training complex, led by Vice- Rector Volodymyr Shulha, visited the company “Indra” (Spain).

Studying the European experience of crime investigation

Cadets of Faculty № 2 and teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of Faculty № 1 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the online webinar "Investigation of crimes related to human trafficking". The event was organized by the Department of International Cooperation of the University with the support of the European Union Advisory Mission.

Welcome to the discussion «UN75 dialogue»!

A large-scale event "UN75 dialogue" is taking place in the world to mark the 75th Anniversary of the UN.

A three-day webinar on "Human Rights" from the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine ended in KhNUIA

An online seminar on "Human Rights" was held for the scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The main speaker of the event was Saer Ammar, an expert on the rule of law of the Kharkiv Representation of the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine.