International projects: writing, application, management and reporting
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Viktoriia Davydenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, passed remotely international internship on “International projects: writing, application, management and reporting”, organized by the University of Social Sciences (UNS) in Lodz (Poland) in cooperation with the Central European Academy Studies and Certifications (CEASC).

Employees of the Faculty No. 1 held events dedicated to the Day of the Defender of Ukraine and the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks
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On the occasion of Defender of Ukraine Day and the Day of Ukrainian Cossacks, which are celebrated annually on October 14, representatives of the Faculty No. 1 - Yuliia Zahumenna Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law together with cadets and students conducted interactive “Lessons of Courage” for pupils of 1-11 grades of Kharkiv specialized school No. 119 of Kharkiv city council. 

Students meeting with participants of hostilities
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A patriotic and educational event organized by the faculty's management – Dean of the Faculty Oksana Brusakova, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, headed by Professor Volodymyr Hrechenko and Assistant Professor Vitalii Zaborovskyi- took place at the Faculty No. 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.

The first-year cadets of KhNUIA took the Oath (video)
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Young men and women, who have chosen the difficult, but extremely important for the society profession of law enforcement officer, have made a lot of efforts to make their dream come true. They insistently studied specialized subjects, physically developed, because the future police officer must have not only high-quality knowledge, but also should be physically endurable, be able to resist the criminal and, if necessary, lend assistance to those who need it.

The first-year cadets of the University took the Oath and received police badges
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On the Day of the Defender of Ukraine the ceremonial events on the occasion of the taking the Oath of Police officer by first-year cadets were held at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. During all the period of study young men and women are brought up by the staff of the University as courageous, strong, fearless, faithful to duty and officer honor, because they are the future defenders of the order and law in our country.

To the Day of the Defender of Ukraine (video)
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The Day of the Defender  celebrates annually on October, 14 in Ukraine. It is the celebration of honoring the courage and heroism of the defernders of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Congratulations to the staff of KhNUIA from the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Dmytro Razumkov on the occasion of taking the Oath of a police officer by first year cadets
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Taking the Oath of Allegiance to the Ukrainian people is an important event in the life of everyone who has chosen to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. I am glad to congratulate you on a conscious and important choice in life - to defend the Ukrainian people from both internal and external enemies.

Congratulations to first year cadets from the Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on taking the Oath of a police officer
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Dear first year cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs! The Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine sincerely congratulates you on the solemn event - taking the Oath of a police officer! The protection of the native land begins with the awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country, with respect for its national values, careful and attentive attitude to our history.

Congratulations to first year cadets from the Head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration Oleksii Kucher on taking the Oath of a police officer
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Gentlemen of the police! Today, on the Day of the Defender of Ukraine, I have a personal order from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi - to congratulate you on a great event - taking the Oath of Allegiance to the Ukrainian people by first year cadets.

Congratulations to first year cadets from the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of KhNUIA Iryna Yefremova on taking the Oath of a police officer
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Dear cadets! You have taken an extremely responsible step - you have chosen one of the most noble professions – a policeman. During these weeks of training, each of you has fully realized that the work of a law enforcement officer is not just a job, it is a mission, a mission to serve and protect!