Results of the essay contest in English dedicated to the Europe Day in Ukraine
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The winners of the essay contest in English on the topic "European Instruments for Human Rights Protection" for higher education students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs have been announced.

Development of soft skills - the topic of an educational online forum
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Nataliia Kobylko, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty № 6, PhD in Philology, joined the online educational forum "Development of Soft Skills in Modern School: Tools, Methods, Experience" organized by the National Center "Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine".

Training on the rules of handling explosive objects
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The lecturer of the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3 Serhii Tiahai held a series of meetings with the 3rd year students of the Professional College of Economics, Law and Information Technologies in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region. The classes were held on the topic of "Informing about the risks associated with explosive objects".

Participation of cadets in a bowling tournament
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Students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in a bowling tournament among representatives of Vinnytsia universities. The competition is traditionally organized by the Department of Youth and Tourism of Vinnytsia City Council. Eight teams competed in the tournament.

Unity of purpose and unity of memory
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Curators of educational work of the Faculties №№ 1-4 of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work held meetings on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War of 1939-1945. In 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine established May 8 as the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War of 1939-1945 by the Law "On the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in the Second World War of 1939-1945."

We honor and remember
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Students and staff of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs laid flowers at the symbolic monuments and the memorial "Glory to Heroes" on the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II (1939-1945).

Educational hour dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II
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Employees of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Natalia Kobylko and specialist Olena Adamchuk held an educational hour for students dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II of 1939-1945.

Awareness raising event on gender equality
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On the eve of Europe Day, an awareness-raising event on important aspects of gender equality and human rights was held for first-year students of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs majoring in Law.

Future lawyers got acquainted with the work of the Commercial Court
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The 2nd year students of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs visited the Economic Court of Sumy region as part of their course "Culture of Legal Speech". Judge Victoria Bolbit told future lawyers how to properly draft criminal procedural documents at the pre-trial investigation stage.

The national team of KhNUIA in athletics is the winner of the championship of the FST "Dynamo" of Ukraine
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In Lviv, Dynamo Ukrainian Athletics Championship (running under the non-Olympic program) among the national teams of higher education institutions belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard of Ukraine and other central executive bodies, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, was held, in which the national team of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part.