Address of the President of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Victory over Nazism in World War II
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"They break into your house. They come to kill, burn, execute. They don't spare anyone - the elderly, women, children... They are beasts...". These are the memories of those who survived the Nazi occupation. And these are the memories of those who survived the Russian occupation. The same horrors, the same crimes by the same inhumans.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Constitutional Law"
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For the 1st year students of the specialty "Law", an on-site binary seminar on the topic "Constitutional status of citizens' associations in Ukraine" was held on the basis of the Hub of social and legal aid "E.Pomich", which works with the support of the Danish Refugee Council and the NGO "Innovative Social Solutions".

Combining theoretical knowledge and practical experience
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The Head of the Patrol Police Response Sector of the Police Department No. 4 of Lutsk District Police Department in Kyiv Region, Senior Police Lieutenant Volodymyr Fedorenko and Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Process of the Faculty No. 1 Maryna Dzhafarova conducted a binary lesson for 2nd year cadets of the Faculty No. 2 in the discipline "Administrative Process".

Supporting our military
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Another vehicle went to the front line. The team of the Palm of Peace Charitable Foundation together with the leading researcher of the research laboratory on psychological support of law enforcement activities of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, police captain Yevheniia Hladkova, donated the car to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Development of student self-government during the war
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Kharkiv Regional Youth Center organized and conducted a panel discussion for student self-government bodies of higher education institutions in Kharkiv region, which was attended by representatives of the student self-government of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - the head of the student council of the Faculty № 6 Natalia Vasylenko and her deputy Karina Haievska.

Binary lesson with the participation of an investigator
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Senior Police Lieutenant Maksym Zozulenko, Investigator of Sumy District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Sumy Region, and Valentyna Pochuieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, conducted a binary class for 2nd year cadets of the Faculty № 1. The topic of the lesson was "Establishing the crime scene".

Artistic and aesthetic education of youth
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The 2nd year students of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, who are studying in the specialties "Law Enforcement" and "Law", together with curators Yulia Samoilova and Nadiia Demydenko visited the art exhibition "With Ukraine in the Heart" in Sumy City Gallery.

Discussion of the main tasks of the National Police in the field of the permit system
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Dmytro Akulov, Deputy Head of the Weapons Control Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Kharkiv Region, Lieutenant Colonel of Police, together with Mykola Holub, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement and Policeistics of the Faculty No. 6, conducted a practical binary class on "Implementation of the permit system by the National Police. Organization of work of arms control departments under martial law".

University representatives visited veterans
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On the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation, Serhii Katsalap, Head of the Veterans' Organization of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, and Nataliia Mashnytska, Deputy Dean of the Faculty № 6, together with students, visited and congratulated World War II veterans. On behalf of the Rector of the police university, Valerii Sokurenko, and the entire university staff, they congratulated Nina Aliabieva, Nataliia Larikova, Yevdokiia Zynovieva and Valentyna Tytarenko on the upcoming holiday.

Regular consultative meeting dedicated to the maintenance of stray animals was held
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A regular consultative meeting was held for local councils and residents of territorial communities of Vinnytsia region on topical legal issues on the topic "Keeping stray animals". The event was held within the framework of cooperation between Vinnytsia branch of the Legal Clinic of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Vinnytsia Regional Association of Local Governments and the Regional Center for Free Secondary Legal Aid in Vinnytsia region.