Representatives of the Legal Clinic of Sumy Branch visited the Economic Court of Sumy Region
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The activities of the Legal Clinic "Pravova Dopomoha" of Sumy Branch of KhNUIA are aimed at combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills of student consultants, so it is extremely important for students to interact with legal professionals.

The International Conference "Digital Transformation of Rights: EU and Ukraine"
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The Department of Civil Law Disciplines of the Faculty No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held the first International Scientific and Practical Conference within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module "Digital Transformation of Rights: EU Experience".

Binary lesson on administrative process
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Maryna Dzhafarova, Professor of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the Faculty No. 1, conducted a binary lesson with the participation of Roman Kozak, Inspector of the Patrol Police Response Sector of the District Police Department No. 4 of Bila Tserkva Police Department in Kyiv Region, Senior Police Lieutenant, for second-year students of the Faculty No. 2 in the discipline "Administrative Process".

Training in practical skills of handling ionising radiation sources
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In order to improve the skills of higher education students in responding to illegal actions with ionising radiation sources, a binary lesson on the topic "Algorithm of actions of a police officer during the detection of an ionising radiation source" was conducted for 2nd year cadets of the Faculty No. 1.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Labour law"
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Denys Chikota, a detective of the Criminal Police Department of Kramatorsk District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Donetsk Oblast, Andrii Myshka, an inspector of the Patrol Police Response Sector of the Police Department No. 3 of Bila Tserkva District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Kyiv Oblast, together with Kostiantyn Melnyk, Head of the Department of Labour and Commercial Law of the Faculty No. 2, conducted a binary class on the topic of "Remuneration of Labour".

Peacekeeping missions of Ukraine became the topic of an optional lesson
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The School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held a regular optional lesson on the topic "History of Ukraine's participation in UN peacekeeping missions", which was conducted by Valentyna Pochuieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty No. 4.

Participation in a charity fair to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine
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On the eve of Easter, the staff of Sumy branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs joined the charity fair "Easter Stories" organised by the Department of Culture and the Centre for Culture and Leisure of Sumy City Council. The purpose of the event was to help the defenders of Sumy region.

Binary lesson in the discipline "Preventive and educational work with children"
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Deputy Head of the Domestic Violence Sector of the Community Relations Department of Vinnytsia District Police Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Vinnytsia Region, Senior Police Lieutenant Diniil Zinchenko together with Olena Fedorenko, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty № 3 of KhNUIA, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, conducted a binary lesson for 3rd year cadets studying Psychology.

Participation in scientific and practical events
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Nataliia Miloradova, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Faculty No. 3, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, took part online in the international scientific and practical conference "Supporting the Psychological Health of the Individual in War: International Experience and Ukrainian Realities", which took place in Kyiv, and in the scientific and practical seminar "Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Personal Development: Education, Security, Peace".

Students of the University of "Ukraine" mastered the skills of first aid
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As part of the military and patriotic education of young people and in order to familiarise students with the possible risks associated with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Vladyslav Burkhailo, a lecturer at the Department of Tactical and Special Physical Training of the Faculty No. 3, held a class for students of the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine".