Roundtable on Integrity Issues Roundtable on Integrity Issues

KhNUIA scientific and pedagogical staff took part in the roundtable "Some issues of implementing the integrity institute for checking employees of law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor's office", which was held under the chairmanship of Anatolii FODCHUK, Head of the Corruption Prevention Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Binary lesson on the basics of computer networks Binary lesson on the basics of computer networks

Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the ERI No. 4 Vadym PONEDILOK and Deputy Head of the Installation Department of Cable Telecommunications Networks of LLC "Gigabit Networks of Podillia" Andrii PONEDILOK conducted a binary lesson for second-year cadets of the ERI No. 4 on the topic "Fundamentals of Computer Networks".

Binary lesson with the participation of a military psychologist Binary lesson with the participation of a military psychologist

Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI No. 5 Kateryna MANNAPOVA and Senior Lecturer of the same department Nadiia CHEPELIEVA conducted a binary lesson on the discipline "Psychological Rehabilitation" for 4th year students with the participation of military psychologist, volunteer and veteran Maksym CHUBYK.

For future applicants – about studying at Kharkiv National Institute of Internal Affairs For future applicants – about studying at Kharkiv National Institute of Internal Affairs

Associate Professor of the Department of Civil, Labor and Economic Law of the ERI No. 1 Oksana BORTNIK, together with representatives of the same department, held a career orientation meeting with high school students of Kharkiv Gymnasium No. 63 of Kharkiv City Council.

Binary lesson on the discipline "Information support of professional activity" Binary lesson on the discipline

The Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, Svitlana VYHANIAILO, introduced students of the specialty "Law enforcement activities" to the online course CyberBase, which covers the basics of cyber hygiene for students and cadets of higher education institutions with specific learning conditions.

Career guidance meetings with lyceum students Career guidance meetings with lyceum students

Representatives of the ERI No. 5 held a series of online meetings with lyceum students of grades 10–11 of Kharkiv Lyceum No. 141 of Kharkiv City Council. The events were attended by the Director of the Institute, Oksana BRUSAKOVA, Deputy Director Ella TVERDOKHLIB, and representatives of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology.

Trench candle – a symbol of care and support for our defenders Trench candle – a symbol of care and support for our defenders

Higher education students of the ERI No. 5 of KhNUIA have handed over another batch of trench candles they made, which will be a significant support for the fighters in the winter cold. In their free time from studies, university students regularly make trench candles.

Meeting of the scientific circle "State and Legal Disciplines" Meeting of the scientific circle

The main goal of the online training, conducted during the meeting by the Head of the Department of Legal Disciplines of Sumy branch of KhNUIA, Oleksii SHUMILO, and the Associate Professor of the department, Head of the scientific circle, Lesia HONCHARENKO, was to help higher education students acquire the necessary knowledge and practical skills for preparing coursework.

Binary lesson on special physical training Binary lesson on special physical training

A binary lesson for cadets of group 204 of the ERI No. 3 on the discipline "Special Physical Training" was conducted by Ivan OMELIANENKO, a senior lecturer at the Department of the ERI No. 2, and a police officer of the community of the SVG of Zhmerynskyi Regional Police Department No. 1 of the Main Police Department of Vinnytsia Region, police captain, participant in hostilities Vladyslav KARYI. The topic was "Methods of Detention."

Improving psychological skills for working with children Improving psychological skills for working with children

As part of studying the discipline "Fundamentals of Practical Psychology" for 2nd-year cadets studying in the specialty 053 "Psychology (juvenile prevention psychologist)", a binary lesson was conducted by Iryna HABA, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy of the ERI No. 3.