Scientific and sporting achievements of university cadets were honored
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During the formation of the personnel of the Faculty No. 1 of KhNUIA, Dean Vitalii Romaniuk congratulated the cadets who became participants in the second round of the Competition of scientific works of applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of higher education institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Alona Musiiko and Danylo Tesla received certificates.

Participation in sports events
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One of the priority areas for cadets and students of the university is a healthy lifestyle, good physical shape, and participation in sports events organized by local governments of Khmelnytskyi region. The students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs once again joined the events, which this time took place in Rivne.

Victories of university cadets in kettlebell lifting
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Khmelnytskyi regional kettlebell lifting championship was held in the city of Dunaivka. The competition was attended by cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs who took prizes in the individual competition and received a cup for the first team place.

On the occasion of the International Children's Day
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In a difficult time of war, children whose parents laid down their lives for their descendants to live in a peaceful, independent Ukraine need the most attention. The least we can do for these children is to create a festive mood and support their faith in miracles.

European territorial cooperation within the framework of Interreg Europe / URBACT programs in Ukraine
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Svitlana Vechirko, Specialist of the Department of International Cooperation, took part in the presentation of the EU Interreg Europe / URBACT Programs, which was held with the assistance of Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration. The project is implemented by the Ukrainian Institute of International Policy in cooperation with the Department for Coordination of International Technical Assistance of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and with the support of the European Union and the International Renaissance Foundation.

Student of KhNUIA is the winner of the Ukrainian Rowing Championship
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The Ukrainian Marathon Championship among kayakers and canoeists in memory of the warrior-athlete Ihor Prysiazhniuk was held in Vinnytsia, in which Maryna Chaban, a student of the Faculty № 6 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, took part. According to the results of the competition, Maryna took third place at a distance of 19 kilometers.

Passing the Leavitt Institute course
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Volodymyr Lisovol, a second-year student of the Faculty № 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, a member of the scientific circle of the Department of Foreign Languages of the same faculty, has successfully completed the course "Critical Thinking and Advocacy as the Foundation of a Free Society" at The Leavitt Institute for International Development (TLI).

We give a piece of warmth
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Within the framework of the project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Friendly Support", Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs became a co-organizer of the social project "Give a Piece of Warmth" of the Department of Social and Youth Policy of Vinnytsia Regional Military Administration.

Social and psychological support of the security and defense forces of Ukraine
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For the fifth time, the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Faculty № 6 is a co-organizer of such an important event organized by the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine. The conference was focused on the following areas: professional and psychological selection and career guidance of future specialists in the security and defense sector; psychological and pedagogical problems of education and training of specialists in the security and defense sector.

Mariana Checheliuk, a 24-year-old investigator from Mariupol, returned from Russian captivity
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After graduating from high school, Mariana studied at Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. After completing her studies, she returned to Mariupol. Later she became an investigator and performed her duties for about a year, before the full-scale invasion began.