KhNUIA Professor is an invited speaker at a scientific and practical conference KhNUIA Professor is an invited speaker at a scientific and practical conference

Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the ERI No. 1, Doctor of Law, Professor Yurii ORLOV took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Social and Legal Aspects of Counteracting Collaborative Cooperation with Representatives of the Aggressor State in War Conditions."

The importance of police communication during the legal regime of martial law The importance of police communication during the legal regime of martial law

Senior lecturer of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA Artem BILOUSOV held a meeting of the scientific circle on the topic "Features of communication of police officers during martial law." The lecturer discussed with the circle members the third anniversary of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the consequences of the war and the difficulties that police officers face during their service.

Participation of representatives of the Department of Sociology and Psychology in the Polish-Ukrainian Conference Participation of representatives of the Department of Sociology and Psychology in the Polish-Ukrainian Conference

Professor Iryna NECHYTAILO, Associate Professors Alla SHYLINA, Natalia HRESA and Kateryna MANNAPOVA took part in the International Conference organized by the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for War and Disaster Research at the Pedagogical University of the National Education Commission (Krakow).

Binary lesson with the participation of a practical psychologist Binary lesson with the participation of a practical psychologist

Associate professors of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI No. 5 Iryna ZHDANOVA and Olena SHAKHOVA conducted lessons in the disciplines "Health Psychology" and "Psychotherapy and Psychocorrection" for first-level higher education students on the topic "Modern Psychological Practices in the Context of Healthcare."

Rector of the University Valerii SOKURENKO held a meeting with KhNUIA kettlebell team Rector of the University Valerii SOKURENKO held a meeting with KhNUIA kettlebell team

The Rector, Police General of the third rank Valerii SOKURENKO, spoke with the students who will participate in the kettlebell championship among cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as part of the national team. He wished the cadets success, endurance and victories in the championship.

Trench candles for the military Trench candles for the military

Students of the ERI No. 5 have produced another batch of trench candles for the defenders on the front lines. These candles are easy to make and use, and their main purpose is to provide lighting at night or in conditions of limited visibility, when other sources of light may be dangerous or unavailable.

Participants in civil proceedings. Lawyer in civil proceedings Participants in civil proceedings. Lawyer in civil proceedings

Associate professors of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the Educational and Research Institute No. 5 Olha MOROZ and Kateryna SKRYNNIKOVA, together with lawyer Oleksii ZHYRNYI, conducted a binary lesson in several groups on the specified topic.

Family vacation at the university Family vacation at the university

With the support of the leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Work organized a bowling trip for higher education students who are orphans, children deprived of parental care, or who lost their relatives in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The National Day of Prayer was celebrated at KhNUIA (UPDATED. VIDEO) The National Day of Prayer was celebrated at KhNUIA (UPDATED. VIDEO)

February 24 was established as the National Day of Prayer by a Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. It was on February 24, 2022 that Russia crossed the last line - it began a bloody full-scale war against Ukraine and the genocide of the Ukrainian people. Ukraine survived thanks to the patriots of its state, as well as prayer for Ukraine.

EUAM experts launch OSINT training course for KhNUIA representatives EUAM experts launch OSINT training course for KhNUIA representatives

A four-day train-the-trainer course on the use of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) and criminal investigations has started in Vinnytsia for academic staff and students of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.