Guarantor of the educational and professional program "Law", Professor Andrii SHULHA and Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Yurii VAPSVA met online with students who have graduated from the educational and professional program "Law".
Lecturers of the Department of Humanities and Ukrainian Studies - Associate Professors Inna HOLOPYCH and Viktoriia PERTSEVA and Senior Lecturer Olena OVERCHUK joined in organizing the training "Digitals skills" for philology teachers of secondary, vocational and higher education institutions of Kharkiv region.
Third-year students of the ERI No. 4, together with their supervisor, senior lecturer of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA Larysa SAZANOVA, are regular visitors to the university's general library. This time, they examined a selection of new publications from various academic disciplines.
Vinnytsia territorial organization of the VFST "Kolos" kettlebell championship was held in Vinnytsia. Cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs took part in the competitions and took prize places.
An interactive lesson in the format of a conversation club "Speaking Club" was held at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Educational and Research Institute No. 5 of KhNUIA within the discipline "Culture of Professional Communication".
Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA Viktoriia FYLYPSKA and second-year student of the ERI No. 5 Daryna HART, who studies in the specialty "Cybersecurity", took part in the VII correspondence International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Scientific Research: Modern Challenges and Future Prospects".
Students of the ERI No. 5 of KhNUIA once again took part in the donation of blood and its components. During hostilities, the number of seriously wounded increases and there is an urgent need to replenish blood reserves, which cannot be replaced by artificial analogues. One blood donation can save the lives of three people in need of emergency medical care.
As part of the implementation of the State Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025, the Integrity Office of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has launched the Transparent Universities project. Its goal is to create conditions for more open access to information about the activities of universities, including financial expenditures, etc.
Representatives of the cadet council of the ERI No. 1 Anzhela STETSIUK and Maksym KHYLOBOKY organized cultural and educational excursions for first-year students on the topic "The city in which I study." The cadets got acquainted with the history and architectural heritage of Kamianets-Podilskyi, as one of the oldest cultural centers of Ukraine.
Daria HLUSHKOVA, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement Activities of the ERI No. 5, took part in the IV All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Children's Safety on the Internet: Prevention, Education, Interaction". During the event, she gave a report on the topic "The Role of Digital Literacy in Prevention among Children in Cyberspace."