Associate Professor of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA Vita FYLYPSKA met with future graduates of Zavodskyi Lyceum No. 1 of Zavodska City Council, Myrhorod District, Poltava Region and told them about the conditions for entering the police university, about educational and scientific institutes and specialties in which specialists are trained.
Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI No. 5 Kateryna MANNAPOVA held an online career guidance meeting with high school students with the participation of Deputy Director for Educational Work Tetiana SHABELNYK and practical psychologist Oksana SHEVCHENKO.
The School of Scientific Leadership of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs held another optional class on the topic "Current problems of operational and investigative activities". The lecturer was Mykhailo HRIBOV, professor of the Department of Operational and Investigative Activities and Crime Solution of the ERI No. 2 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs.
Senior lecturer of the Department of Special Physical Training of the ERI No. 2 Mykhailo INSHEKOV talked with graduating students and familiarized them with the rules of admission, specialties, conditions of study, and spoke about the work of scientific circles and sports sections operating at the university.
Students of the 3rd year of the specialty "Law" and the 1st year of the specialty "Law Enforcement Activities" of Sumy branch of KhNUIA joined the work of the round table dedicated to the life and scientific activities of the outstanding historian, founder of the Ukrainian Institute of Harvard University Omelyan Pritsak (1919-2006).
Representatives of Sumy branch Oleksii SHUMILO and Andrii SIADRYSTYI, together with the inspector of the juvenile prevention sector of the prevention department of Sumy DPD of the Main Police Department in Sumy region Tetiana KRYNYTSKA, held a series of meetings with future graduates of the SEI of I-III degrees No. 3, 6, 7 of the city of Lebedyn and the CI "Lebedyn Professional Medical College named after Professor M. I. Sytenko".
On this topic, within the framework of informal education, cadets of the ERI No. 1, together with the institute's management, took a course on the online educational platform "". Its goal is to teach the basics of fighting corruption, increase legal awareness and responsibility of citizens.
The Ukrainian Shooting Championship was held in Lviv, in which the best shooters of the country took part. From Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the 1st year cadet of the ERI No. 2 Vladyslav RUDENKO competed for the victory. In the final stage, Vladyslav performed the PP-MIXT exercise well and took second place.
The Deputy Director for Educational and Research Activities of the ERI No. 4, Yurii ONYSHCHENKO, spoke with graduating students of secondary education institutions in Kovel and Kamen-Kashyr districts of Volyn region about safe use of the Internet and ways to avoid online fraud.
Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activity and Financial Security of the ERI No. 5 Iryna KYRIEIEVA, together with Intermarché lawyer Beatrice MORISSET, conducted a lesson that focused on the compliance of land relations regulation in France with the requirements of EU legislation.