Senior lecturer of the Department of Language Training of KhNUIA, curator of the third-year study group of the ERI No. 4 Larysa SAZANOVA held a conversation with the cadets "Mother language and Ukraine are the most precious things we have!". During the meeting, the curator spoke about the history of the holiday, about the founder of the new Ukrainian literary language, Ivan Kotliarevskyi, etc.
The Head of the Department of Regime and Secret Support of KhNUIA Liudmyla SOBCHENKO, together with representatives of subordinate subjects of regime and secret activities, took part in a three-day seminar-meeting organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
To mark International Mother Language Day, Iryna DOVHAN, a lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the ERI No. 4, together with a library employee, Zhanna LAZORENKO, introduced the cadets to interesting facts about the history of the Ukrainian language, its development and significance in modern society. The cadets also reviewed the literature presented at the thematic stand of the university's general library.
During their internship, 4th-year cadets of the ERI No. 1, Oleksandr TARAN and Vitalii DONCHENKO, held a meeting with students of Poltava Secondary School of I-III Grades No. 34 and Lozov Lyceum No. 7. They introduced young people who plan to enter higher education institutions this year to the conditions of the admission campaign, the features of training and the advantages of legal education provided by KhNUIA.
A roundtable meeting on the International Mother Language Day was held on this topic for higher education students at Sumy branch of KhNUIA, organized by the Department of Humanities in cooperation with the group of educational and social-humanitarian work and group curators.
More than 70 representatives of KhNUIA, including the scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments and research laboratories of the ERI No. 1-5, Sumy branch and Kremenchuk Flight College, representatives of the financial support and accounting department joined the information event.
Daria KOROBTSOVA, professor of the Department of Legal Support of Entrepreneurial Activities and Financial Security of the ERI No. 5, visited Lozova branch of Kharkiv Automobile and Road Vocational College. The purpose of the meeting was to conclude a cooperation agreement.
The Head of the Department of Administrative Activity of the ERI No. 3, Olena DZHAFAROVA, as the Deputy head of the sectoral expert council of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the field of knowledge 08 "Law", took part in the training for the Heads and deputies of the sectoral expert councils (SEC).
Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI No. 5 Natalia HRESA, senior lecturer of the same department Nadia CHEPELIEVA held a lecture for 4th year students with the participation of Svitlana HALUSHKO, a consultant on emotional well-being, a facilitator of support groups from the Ukrainian-Canadian Congress and a member of the Alberta Association of Psychologists.
Iryna DOVHAN, a lecturer at the Department of Information Systems and Technologies of the ERI No. 4 study group, together with a library employee, Olena SOVINSKA, held a curator's hour for the cadets of the ERI No. 4, dedicated to the events of the Revolution of Dignity, the courage and heroism of its participants.