Security Situation in Ukraine in the Context of War: Status, Threats, Directions of Security

This was the topic of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference, which brought together scholars and practitioners from all over Ukraine to discuss topical issues of security during the legal regime of martial law, as well as to find effective solutions to counter modern threats.

Meeting of the scientific circle “Actual problems of Ukrainian studies”

The leaders of the scientific club - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Natalia Kobylko and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Inna Holopych - introduced the students and cadets to the work plan of the club, thematic events, international, national and university competitions.

Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic of the ERI №1

The regular meeting was held with the participation of a representative of the public organization “Youth Organization of Emerging Leaders”, associate professor of the Department of Organization of Educational and Scientific Training (Doctoral and Postgraduate Studies) Daniil Zinchenko. He spoke about the activities of the youth organization and familiarized the audience with its charter.

Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedure of the ERI №3 “Young Administrators”

The Head of the Department, Doctor of Law, Professor Olena Salmanova, communicating with the members of the group, outlined the prospects for the development of administrative and legal science in modern conditions, emphasized the importance and prospects of research work of higher education students.

Online meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of the ERI №5

The first meeting of this academic year was held under the leadership of Associate Professor Yurii Chalyi. The participants resolved a number of organizational issues, including the approval of the new composition, the election of the head and secretary of the club, the approval of the annual plan, etc. The club members also reviewed the Regulations of KhNUIA “On Academic Integrity”.

A regular meeting of the Academic Council of KhNUIA was held

The event was chaired by the Rector, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Valerii Sokurenko. At the beginning of the meeting, the university employees were recognized for exemplary performance of their duties and personal initiative.

A round table on domestic violence was held

Representatives of the Domestic Violence Sector of Vinnytsia Oblast National Police together with KhNUIA and the NGO “Youth Organization of Emerging Leaders” held a roundtable discussion on “Analysis of the legal response of police officers to cases of domestic violence during military aggression in Ukraine: signs and types of domestic violence”.

An extended online meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the ERI №5 was held

The meeting was held on the topic “Academic Integrity” under the chairmanship of Associate Professor Olena Shakhova. The event was attended by representatives of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education of Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, the Faculty of Management, Administration and Law of the State Biotechnological University.

Olena Zhuravska, a cadet of KhNUIA, became the only representative of Ukraine whose work was published in the international publication “Network-building”

On the eve of the UN Future Summit, the NORRAG Global Education Center (Geneva, Switzerland) publishes a collection of materials from around the world on youth participation in the governance of the United Nations at the national or local levels. On the initiative of Oksana Tsukan, Assistant Rector on Gender Issues, students Oksana Sobko, Anna Dzhus, and Olena Zhuravska prepared their own essays in English for the international collection.

Meeting of the scientific circle of the Department of Civil, Labor and Commercial Law of the ERI №1

The head of the scientific group, professor of the department, Doctor of Law, Professor Sviatoslav Slipchenko and the head of the department, Candidate of Law, Professor Oleksii Zaitsev held a meeting on “Problematic issues of civil law”.